Those who can, do

No quiz news this week. The reason is not because there wasn’t a quiz (there was), just that it was a rare week that I was unable to attend. This was because I had to go to Sproglet #2’s school for a parents evening. On the bright side, it does give me an opening to rant about one of my favourite subjects – teachers.

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Wrongipedia and the Sound of Summer

I’ve discovered there’s a lot of pressure you put on yourself when you write a blog. You need to have that (in my case) weekly spark of creativity to produce something entertaining but within a specified  and self-imposed format – even when you have a regular readership that struggles to reach double figures. Advertising the blog, so as to increase that readership, is even worse. The use of social media seems to produce results at a glacial pace, so much so that I’ve even considered setting up a page on Wrongipedia.

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It was 20 years ago today …

I originally planned to get up on Saturday morning and start the weekend by writing this blog but, once again, life got in the way. Last night was an infrequent night out with friends (The Engineer*, The Tax Man* and The Mortgage Broker*) at a real ale pub convenient to us all. As a result, I ended up at McDonalds (and I hate McDonalds but KFC was shut for a refurb and, when a man’s gotta eat, a man’s gotta eat) and had an impromptu lie-in this morning. I also can’t remember exactly what I drank with the exception of some Adnams Broadside, quite a nice ruby red. The moral of this story is that I can’t be counted on to produce a blog to a strict timescale. As such, to ensure you know when I’ve published my weekly ramblings, click on Follow in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. (Go on – you know you want to – do it now before you read on).

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